Meditation, mindful living, yogaMOOC

The science and practice of yoga

After more a decade of practising yoga and years of Vipassana, I, as a monk, started to share it more openly. Thanks for which offers an online course, “The science and practice of yoga”, so I can review my practice with the course materials and share my thoughts of yoga by writing this blog as part of the course requirements.

My years of yoga, meditation and mindfulness practice turns me into almost like another person: self-satisfied and contained, considering and compassionate, objective and calm.

This is the first week of the course and it confirms to me that yoga, meditation and mindfulness are the same practice that leads us to our inner peace. Some techniques are useful for the practice which has no definite forms. The practice can apply to sitting, walking, lying down or eating and drinking. It’s a way of living, the art of living!

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